Karate video analysis parameters

Written by Athlete Analyzer
Updated 1 year ago

Standing technique

Standing techniques are scores and attacks made by either kicks or punches.


The one who attacks.


  • Me - when you attack or your athlete if you are a coach
  • Opponent - when the opponent attacks

Stance attacker - defender

The stance the attacker had and the stance the defender had when the attack began.For example “Left - left” means both fighters had their left foot in front. “Left - right” means the attacker had his left foot in front and the defender had his right foot in front.


  • Left - left  - attacker  left, defender left
  • Left - right - attacker left, defender right
  • Right - left  - attacker right, defender left
  • Right - right - attacker right, defender right

Type of attack

What type of attack was it?


  • Direct - the attacker attacks first
  • Counter - the attacker counter an attack from the opponent
  • Anticipation - the attacker anticipated the opponent's attack and attacked first

Left or Right Arm/Leg

Which arm or leg was used.


  • Left - left arm or leg
  • Right - right arm or leg


Select the technique. If it was a combination attack select the last technique used in the combination.


  • Technique
  • Gyaku Tsuki
  • Kizami Tsuki
  • Mae Geri
  • Mawashi Geri
  • Oi Tsuki
  • Other geri
  • Ura Mawashi Geri
  • Uraken Uchi
  • Ushiro Geri
  • Ushiro Mawashi Geri
  • Yoko Geri

Combination attack - mark if the technique was preceded by one or several techniques in a combination attack.

Hit or aim of attack

Select where the attack hit the opponent. If the attack was a miss, block or dodge; select the area the attack was aimed for.
For example, if you tried to hit the face but the opponent dodged the attack, select face as aim of the attack.


  • Head - left side
  • Head - Face
  • Head - Right side
  • Chest
  • Abdominal - Left
  • Abdominal - Center
  • Abdominal - Right

Outcome of attack

What was the result of the attack? Was it a score or did the opponent block?


  • Ippon
  • Waza-ari
  • Yuko
  • No score - select if the attack hit the defender but did not result in a score.
  • Block - select if the defender blocks the attack
  • Dodge - select if the defender dodges the attack
  • Miss - select if the attack misses the defender but not because of a dodge from the defender
  • Hard contact (Penalty) - select if the attack resulted in a penalty for the attacker for hard contact

Tatami position

Where on the tatami was the attack performed.


  • Center - center of tatami
  • Corner - defensive - one of the corners, the attacker close to the edge
  • Corner - offensive one of the corners, the defender close to the edge
  • Line - close to the edge of the tatami but not in a corner

Attacking distance

The distance between the two fighters when the attack began.


  • Clinch - close distance
  • In reach  - medium distance, the attacker can attack without moving first. The attacker can reach the defender.
  • Out of reach  - long distance, the attacker needs to move first. The attacker can not reach the defender without moving first.


Mark if the score resulted in senshu.


Here you can type notes about the attack if you like. Anything that could be relevant to remember.

Takedown technique

Takedown techniques are scores and attack which starts with a successful takedown.


The one who attacks.

  • Me - when you attack or your athlete if you are a coach
  • Opponent - when the opponent attacks


The technique used to takedown the opponent.


  • Grab and sweep using back leg
  • Grab and sweep using front leg
  • Sweep using back leg
  • Sweep using front leg

Takedown finish

How the attack was finished after the takedown.


  • Punch - the attacker finish with a punch
  • Kick - the attacker finish with a kick
  • No action - the attacker does not do any action after the takedown

Outcome of attack

What was the result of the attack? Was it a score or did the opponent block?


  • Ippon
  • Yuko
  • No score - select if the attack hit the defender but did not result in a score.
  • Block - select if the defender blocks the attack
  • Dodge - select if the defender dodges the attack
  • Miss - select if the attack misses the defender but not because of a dodge from the defender
  • Hard contact (Penalty) - select if the attack resulted in a penalty for the attacker for hard contact


Mark if the score resulted in senshu.


Here you can type notes about the attack if you like. Anything that could be relevant to remember.


Select when a penalty was awarded.


The one who received the penalty.


  • Me - when you attack or your athlete if you are a coach
  • Opponent - when the opponent attacks
  • Both - if both fighters receive the same penalty


Select the level of the penalty awarded.


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4


Select the reason for why the penalty was awarded.


  • Avoiding combat (C2)
  • Clinching or pushing (C2)
  • Dangerous technique (C2)
  • Forbidden technique (C1
  • Hard contact (C1)
  • JOGAI, leavening contest area (C2)
  • MUBOBI (C2)
  • Other (C2)
  • Passivity (C2)
  • Simulated attack (C2)
  • Unsportsmanlike behaviour (C2)

Loss of senshu

Mark if the penalty resulted in a loss of senshu.


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